However, allowing remote control does allow the not necessarily remote chance that a stranger can control your device as well. Hope you miss me,” takes on new meaning when you can control your partner’s privates from afar. Telling your partner “honey, I am on my way home. You can see the potential uses of such remote control.

Sex toys like chastity cages are no exception. You can even use remote control to fly a helicopter that’s shaped like a curse word so that you show that you don’t give a flying you-know-what about something. For example, rather than push a vacuum cleaner, you can ask one to clean up from afar.

Speaking of control, nowadays more and more devices in general are Internet-connected, allowing the remote control of such devices. In this way, such devices can be quite hard-hitting, so to speak. It can prevent access and even prevent men from having erections. Those who practice BDSM may use chastity belts to exert dominance or control over a partner. BDSM doesn’t stand for Big Doughnuts and Sautéed Marshmallows but instead represents the practices of Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadochism and Masochism. Regardless, in recent years, members of the BDSM community have been using chastity belts in different ways. Keep in mind (or maybe privates) that the history of such belts is controversial and not completely clear, as Marissa Fessenden has detailed for the Smithsonian magazine. There are also reports of chastity belts being used as torture devices. There’s a history of people reportedly wearing or being forced by jealous lovers or overprotective parents to wear chastity belts in order to prevent sexual intercourse, according to Kate Goldblaum writing for Live Science. Such a belt is not simply a fashion statement (as in ”does this chastity belt go with my skinny jeans”) but instead is designed to go around your genitals and, when locked, prevents access to your privates. Humans have a long history of putting their genitals in all sports of things. Well, chastity belts in general seem to have been around for quite a long time. (Photo: FRANCOIS GUILLOT/AFP via Getty Images) AFP via Getty Images Such belts did serve as instruments of torture.

And Punishments From Ancient Times) exhibition at the Fernand Meyssonnier Museum in Paris. Pictured here is a chastity belt on display during the "Peines et chatiments d'autrefois" (Penalties.